Masithandane Mosaic Tour

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SEDGEFIELD - Visitors to Sedgefield will now have the opportunity to view the age-old art form of mosaic during the Sedgefield Mosaic Art Route.

This route allows visitors and residents to meandering throughout Sedgefield, the first first Cittaslow Slow Town in Africa while admiring the beautifully local crafted mosaics.

This route, initiated by local NGO, Masithandane, starts and ends at the Sedgefield tourism office and showcases more than 40 individual mosaic landmarks dotted across the village. Masethandane's Philip Bicks and Petricia Pieterse share their vast knowledge during the tour when explaining the interesting history behind each individual mosaic. Works include the Tree of Life outside the library.

Sadly the crown of this beautifully crafted tree has fallen victim to vandalism. "The 'roots' of the tree were created by our young artists by pushing their hands in wet cement, while the crown's leaves shows the initials of everybody who help build this tree." explained Bicks.
Another vivid and fun mosaic is that of The Family outside the Sedgefield Post Office. This mother, father, child and even the family dog has brought many a smile to unsuspecting passers-by. The Mosaic Art Route include mosaic benches, the adorned Horse Fence of Mandala Vetinary Practice and so many more.

This route not only exhibits the wonder of mosaic, but the Ubuntu that exists within Sedgefield. Although the mosaics are mostly produced on private commission, they are produced in the Masidandane mosaic workshop and forms part of their job creation initiative. Masidandane has been instrumental in the uplifting many less fortunate in the Sedgefield community.

The Sedgefield Mosaic Art Route (which includes a stop at the Masithandane to view crafters at work) starts from outside the Sedgefield Tourism office every Tuesday from 14:00 and lasts until 16:00.