Sedgefield lagoon

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Sedgefield Lagoon is an estuary bordering the village of Sedgefield. It is popular for fishing, bird watching, swimming, boating & walks

Sedgefield Lagoon is a typical estuary that springs from Swartvlei Lake. It follows a zigzag course along the border of the village of Sedgefield from where it empties into the Indian Ocean about 3 to 4 kilometres from its origin.

The lagoon is popular for fishing, swimming, canoeing, bird watching and riverside walks. The river mouth periodically closes depending on seasonal rainfall and wind direction which influences sand deposits. A tarred road runs from the centre of the village alongside the lagoon down to mouth which is flanked by Swartvlei Beach on the western bank and Myoli Beach on the eastern Bank.

Lagoon Mouth

The Lagoon mouth remains one of the towns “best kept secrets”. The elevated parking lot offers a stunning view of the river mouth and the famous Gericke’s Point in the backdrop.

Although the estuarine area, Swartlvei excluded, is relatively small by South African standards it offers good fishing opportunity. The most popular species sought are spotted grunter, kob, mullet and occasionally white steenbrass are also caught. Garick or leervis are common and can readily be caught with bait, lures or fly-fishing gear.